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Our Projects.  

Welcome to the projects page. Here you will find the heart of the ERM. It is through the use of cooperative projects such as these that we hope to bring restoration to the echidna species. So take a look, and see if you can help us in this endeavor.

Project 1. Site Design and Testing


After looking at various options, the ERM has decided to use to design and launch our official website. For right now, we are purely in the design phase. Once an initial design is drawn up, we will be looking for others to test the site. Stay tuned for more details!

Project 2. The Petition


A crucial aspect of ERM, we have made a petition calling for the end of DHMO abuse and the subsequent eradication of TPAC.

By the end of 2015, we hope to collect 500,000 signatures.

Project 3. Preservation of Knuckle Heights


Knuckle Heights is one of the last unknown havens for echidnas. The ERM is undertaking the preservation of this crucial location. Unfortunately, the influential mega-corporation BNL Inc. is trying to exploit this area for oil, so this will not be an easy task. Our R&D department is looking into all means possible (including coercion and bribery) to achieve success.

Project 4. Research TPAC Cure

At ERM, we are dedicated to stopping the TPAC epidemic among the echidna population. Till this point, there has been no known cure to it. With your help, we hope to change that.

Project 5. G.E.R.P.

Project GERP is going to be our biggest undertaking. The volunteer must be forewarned... this is not for the faint of heart.

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NOTE: Please comprehend that Echidna Restoration Movement does in no way abet the veracity of any statements it has made. Indeed, any verisimilitude is most plausibly a jocular, convivial, and facetious chimera. Felicitous primera quadra-mensis jollification regarding lummoxes!

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