​Echidna Restoration Movement
Our Mission. Our Team.
We are the Echidna Restoration Movement (ERM). It is our mission to raise awareness of the TPAC epidemic that is currently ravaging the global echidna popluation. In time, we hope to bring restoration to the echidnas through lobbying, cooperative projects, and member involvement. Look below to see our current list of core members.
Melissa Lopez
Status: Deceased. (Killed in a freak accident at Sea World.)
While alive, Mrs. Lopez was a staunch advocate of echidna rights. It was through her generous funding that ERM was able to first become operational.
Edathan Mopps
Status: Almost deceased. (In critical condition at Ms. Martia's Hospital.)
In his earlier days, Mr. Mopps worked on the U. R. Kidding echidna reservation in Sydney, Australia. Now he lies on a hospital bed with his favorite echidna, Jeremy, by his side.
Charles Charles
Status: Deceased. (Suffered severe complications from an infected echidna bite.)
A recent graudate from Earth-Furst University, Charles worked as an intern with us at ERM.
Edgar Thump
Status: Active. (Wishes that he was deceased.)
As one of the few remaining core members, Mr. Thump works tirelessly to secure the restoration of echidnas worldwide.
Susie Coopenhagen
Status: Unknown. (Probably deceased. She went missing 5 years ago.)
As operations expert, Ms. Coopenhagen lead ERM for many months before her untimely disappearence.
Ed Mahony
Status: Deceased. (Died of laughter.)
Always a jolly soul, Mr. Mahony had a big heart for the echidnas. It was his childhood dream to play a part in their preservation. Thankfully, he lived this dream out before his departure.
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